Bachelor of Dirasat Islamiyah

"A leading faculty in tafaqquh fi al-din (Islamic studies) at the international level, grounded in Arabic, Quran memorization, and the integration of scientific, Islamic, and Indonesian knowledge by 2026"

  1. Managing professional education systems;
  2. Developing global skills and insights for college students;
  3. Building cooperation at national and international levels;
  4. Contributing to the development of a scientific and religious society.

  1. Producing Islamic scholars with academic and ethical excellence;
  2. Bringing forth Islamic scholars capable of developing studies on Islam in society;
  3. Establishing partnerships with various parties to advance Islamic studies.

Dirasat Islamiyah offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources who are experts in the field of education and teaching. In addition to Islamic studies, FDI provides education in general knowledge while upholding Islamic values. The curriculum design, teaching methods, and qualified instructors are the strengths of FDI. Currently, FDI offers educational programs at the undergraduate and master’s levels.

Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Dr. Aida Humaira, S.S.I., M.A.
NIP 19820203 200604 2 003
NIDN 2003028201
Field of Study  Fiqh Science
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Fatihunnada, Lc., M.A.
NIP 198509172015031005
NIDN 2117098501
Field of Study Hadith Science
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Imam Sujoko, Lc., M.A.
NIP 197704062008011025
NIDN 2006047701
Field of Study Fiqh Science
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Muhammad Khairul Mustaghfirin, S.S.I., M.A.
NIP 197805022015031002
NIDN 2002057804
Field of Study Hadith and Ulumul Hadith
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Ade Pahrudin, Lc., M.A.
NIP 19840405215031004
NIDN 2002057804
Field of Study Hadith Science
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Willy Oktaviano, Lc., M.A.
NIP 197310072003121001
NIDN 2007107301
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Hasan Basri Salim, Lc., M.A.
NIP 196712072003121002
NIDN 2007126701
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Irfan Mas’ud Abdullah, Lc., M.A.
NIP 197014122006041003
NIDN 2012047102
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Ghilmanul Wasath, Lc., M.A.
NIP 197301072008011008
NIDN 2007017301
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Iffatul Umniati, Lc., M.A.
NIP 197703252008012027
NIDN 2025037701
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Nailil Huda, Lc., M.A.
NIP 19830622215032003
NIDN 2022068303
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Aep Saepulloh, S.Ag, M.A.
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Dr. Wirdah Fachiroh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Muhammad Hidayatulloh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study -
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Drs. Muh. Nuh HS, MAg
Daud Lintang, S.S.I., M.A.
Field of Study -
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The hall or multipurpose room at the Faculty of Islamic Studies is a facility designed to accommodate various types of learning activities and other events within the campus. This room is designed with flexibility and adaptability to meet the diverse needs of its users. With ample space and an ergonomic design, the multipurpose room at the Faculty of Islamic Studies is equipped with modern facilities such as tables, chairs, projectors, screens, whiteboards, and internet access. The room can be easily rearranged to accommodate different types of activities, such as lectures, group discussions, presentations, and other events.


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The library is the heart of a university, serving as a support for the academic movement and dynamics of the institution. The library's role is to provide, manage, and distribute information for educational, research, and community service purposes. The library of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, as a learning center, continues to grow both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent services. To date, the library has a collection of over 6,697 titles, including e-books, journals, theses, and more. Additionally, to meet information needs, the library of the Faculty of Islamic Studies provides computers equipped with both wired internet and Wi-Fi services.