Bachelor of Dirasat Islamiyah
- Organizing professional education management;
- Developing skills and global insight for students;
- Building cooperation at national and international scope;
- Participating in the development of a knowledgeable and religious society.
- To produce graduates who have noble character; have expertise in the field of religious knowledge; and are able to build civil society, who excel in global competition;
- To produce teachers/lecturers who are competent, creative, innovative and competitive and fully dedicated to their profession, within the framework of Islamic brotherhood (ukhuwah Islamiyah);
- To produce employees who are highly dedicated to their duties, namely ready to provide excellent service to the needs of students, lecturers and the community.
Dirasat Islamiyah offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources who are experts in the field of education and teaching. In addition to Islamic studies, FDI provides education in general knowledge while upholding Islamic values. The curriculum design, teaching methods, and qualified instructors are the strengths of FDI. Currently, FDI offers educational programs at the undergraduate and master’s levels.

Dr. Aida Humaira, S.S.I., M.A.
NIP | 19820203 200604 2 003 |
NIDN | 2003028201 |
Field of Study | Fiqh Science |
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Dr. Fatihunnada, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 198509172015031005 |
NIDN | 2117098501 |
Field of Study | Hadith Science |
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Dr. Imam Sujoko, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 197704062008011025 |
NIDN | 2006047701 |
Field of Study | Fiqh Science |
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Dr. Muhammad Khairul Mustaghfirin, S.S.I., M.A.
NIP | 197805022015031002 |
NIDN | 2002057804 |
Field of Study | Hadith and Ulumul Hadith |
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Dr. Ade Pahrudin, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 19840405215031004 |
NIDN | 2002057804 |
Field of Study | Hadith Science |
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Willy Oktaviano, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 197310072003121001 |
NIDN | 2007107301 |
Field of Study | - |
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Hasan Basri Salim, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 196712072003121002 |
NIDN | 2007126701 |
Field of Study | - |
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Irfan Mas’ud Abdullah, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 197014122006041003 |
NIDN | 2012047102 |
Field of Study | - |
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Ghilmanul Wasath, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 197301072008011008 |
NIDN | 2007017301 |
Field of Study | - |
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Iffatul Umniati, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 197703252008012027 |
NIDN | 2025037701 |
Field of Study | - |
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Nailil Huda, Lc., M.A.
NIP | 19830622215032003 |
NIDN | 2022068303 |
Field of Study | - |
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Dr. Aep Saepulloh, S.Ag, M.A.
NIP | Non PNS |
Field of Study | - |
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Dr. Wirdah Fachiroh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study | - |
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Muhammad Hidayatulloh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study | - |
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Daud Lintang, S.S.I., M.A.
Field of Study | - |
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- Decree on the Change of IAIN to UIN
- SK BAN-PT Accreditation Certificate for Higher Education Institution (AIPT), 2013-02-21
- UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Certificate as AUN-QA Member, 2014-08
- BAN-PT Accreditation Certificate for Higher Education Institution (AIPT), 2018-02-27
- BAN-PT Accreditation Certificate 2023 - 2028
- Excellent (Unggul) Accreditation Certificate UIN Jakarta 2024 - 2028
- Accreditation Certificate of the Study Program 2024 - 2026
- Program Study Accreditation Certificate
- Program Study Accreditation Decree
- Decree and Accreditation Certificate for the Undergraduate Program, 2006
- Decree and Accreditation Certificate for the Undergraduate Program, 2011
- Undergraduate Program Accreditation Certificate, 2016
- Undergraduate Program Accreditation Decree, 2016
- Undergraduate Program Accreditation Certificate, 2021
The hall or multipurpose room at the Faculty of Islamic Studies is a facility designed to accommodate various types of learning activities and other events within the campus. This room is designed with flexibility and adaptability to meet the diverse needs of its users. With ample space and an ergonomic design, the multipurpose room at the Faculty of Islamic Studies is equipped with modern facilities such as tables, chairs, projectors, screens, whiteboards, and internet access. The room can be easily rearranged to accommodate different types of activities, such as lectures, group discussions, presentations, and other events.
The library is the heart of a university, serving as a support for the academic movement and dynamics of the institution. The library's role is to provide, manage, and distribute information for educational, research, and community service purposes. The library of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, as a learning center, continues to grow both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent services. To date, the library has a collection of over 6,697 titles, including e-books, journals, theses, and more. Additionally, to meet information needs, the library of the Faculty of Islamic Studies provides computers equipped with both wired internet and Wi-Fi services.
Lecture room
Conference room
Student Center
Practice Room
Meeting Room
Men's Prayer Room
Women's Prayer Room
Cup Cafe
Men's Dormitory
Electric Car