The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah is committed to always building an academic culture among lecturers and students. One way is to encourage lecturers to conduct research in their field of expertise. Currently, there are two research grant channels that can be accessed by lecturers of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, namely the UIN Jakarta Research and Publishing Center and the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. In addition, lecturers can conduct research with independent funding or the results of collaboration with other parties both at home and abroad such as UIN Bukittinggi, Kuwait University, and Malaya University. In carrying out research, lecturers do not move alone, but involve students. The involvement of students in research is not only a requirement in applying for grants, but more importantly, it provides experience and learning so that in the future they will have the ability to carry out research. and learning so that in the future they have the ability to conduct research. Students also benefit a lot from this involvement. In the last three years, no less than 5 lecturers / per year have received research grants from Puslitpen UIN Jakarta. In 2022 there were five research titles involving 13 lecturers and 12 students. In 2023, there were 3 research titles that received research grants involving 9 lecturers and 3 students.
The lecturers' research work is then published in accredited journals ranging from Sinta 6 to Sinta 1 to accredited international journals. This semester, Dr. Yuli Yasin, Lc. M.A. which was published in a Scopus indexed journal.