The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is a replication of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, so its academic quality is of Al-Azhar University standard. With this status, the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah is the only faculty in Indonesia that organizes education with Arabic as the language of instruction. Although referred to as the twin of Al-Azhar University's Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah has several other advantages. The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah Uin Jakarta has a combination of Islamic and Indonesian curriculum, so that its graduates but have a distinctive character of the Indonesian nation. In addition to being required to write a thesis in Arabic, students are also required to memorize 8 juz of the Qur'an to graduate from the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah. The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah organizes 2 levels of education, namely Strata 1 (8-14 semesters) and master (4-8 semesters). Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah are given expertise according to specialization, namely Ushuluddin Science, Sharia Science, and Arabic Language Science. As for the master's degree, there are Sharia Islamiyah, Al-Qur'an Wa Al-Sunnah, Arabic Language and Literature, and Akidah Islamiyah. 90% of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah graduated from Al Azhar University in Egypt and various other Middle Eastern universities, and 10% are alumni of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah who devote themselves to their almamater.
Study Programme

Dr. Fatihunnada, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Hadith Science
Dr. Imam Sujoko, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Fiqh Science
Dr. Muhammad Khairul Mustaghfirin, M.A.
Field of Study: Hadith and Ulumul Hadith
Dr. Aida Humaira, S.S.I., M.A.
Field of Study: Fiqh Science
Dr. Ade Pahrudin, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Hadith Science
H. Willy Oktaviano, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Dr. Aep Saepulloh, S.Ag, M.A.
Field of Study:
Hasan Basri Salim, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Irfan Mas’ud Abdullah, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Ghilmanul Wasath, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Iffatul Umniati, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Nailil Huda, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Arabic Language
Dr. Wirdah Fachiroh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Muhammad Hidayatulloh, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Daud Lintang, S.S.I., M.A.
Field of Study:
Dr. M. Syairozi Dimyathi, Lc., M.Ed
Field of Study:
Dr. Usman Syihab, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Islamic Thought Science
Dr. Yuli Yasin, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Islamic Sharia
Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Tafsir Science
Dr. Ahmad Kusjairi Suhail, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study: Tafsir Science
Dr. Sahabuddin, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Dr. Rusli Hasbi, Lc., M.A.
Field of Study:
Prof. Dr. Said Agil Husin Al Munawar, M.A.
Field of Study: Hadith Science
Prof. Dr. Hj. Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis, M.A.
Field of Study: Political History of Islam
Dr. Cahya Buana, M.A.
Field of Study: Arabic Language
Pita Merdeka, M.A.
Field of Study: English Language & Literature
Dr. Elvi Susanti, M.Pd.
Field of Study: Indonesian Language
Nina Farlina, M.Hum.
Field of Study:
Basyir Arif, M.A.
Field of Study: Kalam Science