Career and Study Opportunities in Japan for FDI Students and Alumni
Career and Study Opportunities in Japan for FDI Students and Alumni

The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah received a visit from the Japan Halal Certification Promotion Organization (JHCPO) represented by Abdul Qadir Kato. Kato said that JHCPO is a Japanese Islamic organization that will establish cooperation with several countries to become a facilitator between Japan and Islamic countries in the world for the purpose of the whole world. Kato also explained the opportunities to learn Japanese and Career for students and alumni of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for a period of 6 months to 1 year with schemes that can be pursued by students and alumni. Kato explained that this activity was motivated by the development of the Muslim community in Japan which is dominated by Indonesian citizens, so he chose Indonesia as a priority country for this activity. Dr. Yuli Yasin as the Dean of FDI and Dr. Imam Sujoko as the Vice Dean of FDI welcomed this very positive opportunity because it can develop the potential and recognition of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah in the world. FDI will conduct socialization to all students and alumni to be able to explore the potential, so that this activity will be realized with the support and for the benefit of all related parties.  This meeting was held at the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Also attending the meeting were Muhammad (Pakistan) and Abdul Baro (Gambia) as facilitator Abdul Qadir Kato and Dr. Mu'min Rouf, Fatihunnada, Dr. Aida Humaira, and Willy Oktaviano from the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah. (Fatihunnada).