Earn Golden Ticket, FDI UIN Jakarta Debate Team Goes International Again
Earn Golden Ticket, FDI UIN Jakarta Debate Team Goes International Again

The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyyah (FDI) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta once again sent a team of Arabic debate students (Abqory) to an international competition organized by Qatar Debate, a non-profit organization in Doha, Qatar. Four students from the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyyah formed the delegation team for the 6th International Universities Debating Championship in Istanbul. They are Suci Amalia, Muhammad Abid Al Akbar, Ahmad Rifai Rohman, and Teguh Satria Pendowo. Registration for Qatar Debate opened online on October 18, 2021, through its official account, welcoming universities from around the world. The next stage was the national Arabic debate selection, which was participated in by 24 teams from universities across Indonesia. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah successfully won second place and earned a golden ticket to Turkey. During their training, they faced challenges, as each of them had their own personal commitments. However, they remained motivated, determined, and consistent in practicing daily. Behind their success was their mentor, Ustadz Daud Lintang Al-Yamin, S.S.I., M.A., who provided guidance and motivation, as well as the support from senior debaters like Difa El Haq and Boby Mahbuby. The departure was scheduled for June 15, 2022, and the competition would take place from June 17 to 20. The UIN Jakarta debate team expressed their readiness to compete at the international level. At the end of the interview, Teguh Satria shared an insightful quote with the FDI Journalism Team reporters: "If language is in our tongues, the world is in our hands," he emphasized. (Journalism Team: Nyimas Zulfa, Editing Team: Hanifa Azkannisa).