Examining the Excellence of the Members Behind Abqory's Success
Three members of Abqory, Komarudin, Teguh Satria Pendowo, and Rian Sugiarta, succeeded in winning 2nd place in the Arabic Debate competition at STB (Semarak Tiga Bahasa) 2022. The competition was held by Pondok Pesantren Al-Amin Prenduan, Sumenep, Madura, from September 17 to 20, 2022. Not only that, Teguh Satria Pendowo also won the Best Speaker award. What methods did they use to achieve this victory? Let’s listen to their explanation.
They used different methods to develop their Arabic speaking skills. "I often talk to Arabs, some from Saudi, the UAE, Egypt, Yemen. In addition to becoming fluent in Fusha Arabic, over time, I also become fluent in the colloquial Arabic," said Komarudin. "By choosing the right environment and the appropriate dialect, practicing as much as possible—even by myself—trying to express everything in Arabic phrases as much as I can, and increasing vocabulary, the key is practice... practice... and more practice," emphasized Teguh.
Equally interesting, this is the method Rian Sugiarta used to develop his Arabic speaking habit: "I write down every new vocabulary I encounter and make sure to use it during class presentations. I think this is the most feasible thing to do at the moment."
Their dedication and enthusiasm to bring pride to UIN Jakarta have not wavered, as evidenced by their debate achievements: Teguh Satria has won 14 debate championships, with 3 Best Speaker awards, Komaruddin has won 7 championships, and Rian Sugiarta, as a new member, has already won 2 titles with Abqory. In the competitions held by their group, there must be strategies, and here’s a tip from Komarudin, a 5th-semester student: "In my opinion, it’s essential to build chemistry within the team. If the chemistry is strong, everything else will go smoothly, and the chances of winning future competitions will be much greater."
So, why have they remained so dedicated to Abqory, even sacrificing their time and energy? "Because we are in love with it, it has become a hobby," said Teguh. When you love something, you will sacrifice everything for that achievement. Finally, here’s Rian’s motivation to encourage fellow students, especially in FDI, to enhance their Arabic skills: "Keep doing things that will make your future self grateful," said Rian. (Journalist Team: Indri Novia Ningrum).