FDI Sends Its Lecturers to be Speakers at Kauman Muhammadiyah University in Padang Panjang
January 18, 2024
The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta sent Daud Lintang, SSI. MA as one of FDI's young lecturers to be a speakers at the Upgrading of Teachers and all Educators at Pesantren Kuaman Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang. The theme carried out on this occasion was “Improving the Quality of Learning for a Progressive Kauman Islamic Boarding School, which was held for 3 days, Wednesday - Friday (03 - 05 / 01 / 2020).
The teacher upgrading activity was attended by 55 educators by presenting 3 resource persons related to 3 branches of science, namely Social Studies, Science and Islamic Education. This periodic activity is organized by Kauman Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang Pesantren each time it welcomes a new semester in order to improve the quality of education and the professionalism of its educators. Teachers are presented with bilingual and STEM learning with the hope that all educators have qualified capabilities and are expected to apply bilingual and STEM learning in classrooms.
The opening of the event as well as the first meeting was held at Aie Angek Cottag, X Koto, Tanah Datar with the aim of providing fresh experience and inspiration for educators of Pondok Pesantren Kuaman. “With stunning scenery, a comfortable atmosphere, and cool air in this place, it is hoped that it will create an environment that triggers new enthusiasm and creativity,” said the head of the organizing committee, Ust. Surya Bunawan, MA.
Mudir Pontren Kauman Dr. Derliana, MA revealed that in the Islamic Religious Education group in the pesantren she leads there are 7 subjects including: Al-Qur'an, Hadith, Akidah, Akhlak, Fiqh, History of Islamic Culture, and Arabic Language which all teachers are expected to be able to teach with book-based learning. This is certainly in line with the learning fashion in the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, whose entire learning process in classrooms from semester 1 to 8 uses Arabic as the language of instruction for lectures, with the aim of “Tafaqquh fi al- Din”. In her closing remarks, Dr. Derliana, MA again emphasized that the training needs commitment, and is not only done once but is expected to continue to collaborate with the alma mater of the speakers because it is considered by her as evidence of concrete cooperation to improve the quality of Arabic language of the students.
The seminar on the Introduction of the Kitab Kuning and the Al Yamini Method in the discipline of Islamic Religious Education presented by the main speaker Daud Lintang, SSI. MA received a very enthusiastic and appreciative response. In addition to his delivery of material in good Arabic, it also provides a new spirit for teacher participants to learn more enthusiastically and innovatively, as well as the curiosity of the teachers to get to know the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah more closely.