Preparation for the Even Semester Lectures, Former Minister of Religious Affairs Prof. Said Agil Munawar Attends the Meeting
The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Lecture Preparation Meeting to welcome the new semester on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. The event, which took place in the 2nd-floor hall of FDI, was attended by 28 participants, including faculty and study program leaders.
Also present as invited guests were Prof. Dr. Said Agil Munawar (Minister of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, 2001–2004) and Prof. Dr. Amany Lubis (Rector of UIN Jakarta, 2019–2023). Both are lecturers at the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at UIN Jakarta) also attended to provide strategic guidance on academic management and quality improvement in FDI in line with UIN Jakarta’s policies.
The meeting began with an opening and a recitation of verses from the Qur'an, followed by a welcoming speech from the Dean of FDI. In the briefing session, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs emphasized the importance of improving the quality of lectures, both offline and online.
In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi praised FDI’s achievement in obtaining unconditional international accreditation, making it one of the best study programs at UIN Jakarta. "UIN Jakarta is currently focusing on campus internationalization, and FDI has demonstrated concrete steps in realizing this," he stated. He also added that meetings at FDI are always lively, with its outstanding lecturers.
The meeting continued with presentations from all Vice Deans at FDI and the Heads of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs. One of the key focuses of this meeting was refining the online learning system through Microsoft Teams, presented by Willy Oktaviano, as preparation for online lectures during Ramadan. The event concluded with the traditional munggahan gathering before Ramadan, symbolizing unity and preparation for the holy month.