Professor fdi dominated the international seminar mercury
Professor fdi dominated the international seminar mercury

On Monday, May 29 2023, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with Arabic Researcher ID (ARID) held an international seminar on the Role ofIn this activity, several sources come from countries including Malaysia, the united Arab emirates, Saudi Arabia, and others. Indonesia's host is also represented by some sources mostly teachers at the faculty of dirasat islamiyah (fdi) uin shariatullah Jakarta.Fdi was represented by five professors. Dr. Yuli yasin presented the fatherhood theme for child education in perspective, Indonesian law, and facts. Dr Hamka hasan gave an article entitled the future of interpretation studies in college. Dr. Aep saepulloh describes the textual understanding urgenomic theme in fiction studies. Dr. Muhammad khoirul mustaghfirin presented nu civilization's ficentile material in the hadith's perspective. Iffatul umniyati, lc. The study, m.a. gives details on the period of menarch in Jakarta with the method of the Javanese priest in its analysis.The entire article presented at this international seminar is presented in both Arabic and English. (Fatihunnada)