Socialization on the Application for UKT Reduction and Student KRS Filling
Socialization on the Application for UKT Reduction and Student KRS Filling

The Student Affairs Department of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah held a Socialization on the Application for UKT Reduction and the Filling of Student KRS. This event took place on Sunday, February 6, 2022. During the socialization, Dema FDI invited the Deputy Dean for General Administration, Ustad Dr. M. Nurul Irfan, M. Ag, as the main speaker. At the beginning, Ustad Irfan was given the opportunity by the moderator to give an introductory speech. "Please pay attention to the clauses that we can follow up on, and whatever I can help with, I will. For what I can't assist with, I will raise my hands and ask for help from others, including my network in the Deputy Dean 2 office and the Vice Rector for Administration and Finance," he said.

After the Deputy Dean’s introduction, the moderator invited M. Ridwanda, a 6th-semester FDI student, to lead the socialization on the application for UKT reduction. First, he read the circular regarding the Requirements and Mechanism for Submitting UKT Reduction Applications for S1 Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Following that, a Q&A session was held. The circular for applying for UKT reduction can be accessed here:

Next, M. Ridwanda, also known as Nanda, guided the session on how to fill out the KRS. Nanda invited the students on Zoom to fill out their KRS while others observed. Here are the steps for filling out the KRS:

  1. Open the AIS UIN Jakarta website
  2. Log in
  3. Click the menu in the bottom left corner
  4. Click "Mahasiswa" (Student)
  5. Click "Perkuliahan" (Courses)
  6. Click "Isi KRS" (Fill out KRS), then choose the KRS for the relevant semester
  7. Click "Ambil Perkuliahan" (Take Courses). A list of courses will appear. Select the courses you want to take. If you wish to save courses for another semester, change the semester and select the courses to add/save.
  8. Then save.

At the end of the session, participants were invited to ask questions regarding KRS filling, which Nanda answered while also sharing his experience related to saving courses on KRS. (FDI Journalism Team: Achmad Faiq).