The Working Meeting of the Student Senate and Executive Board Has Been Successfully Held
The Working Meeting of the Student Senate and Executive Board Has Been Successfully Held

On Tuesday (July 5), the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FDI) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a working meeting of the Student Senate and Executive Board (SEMA and DEMA) in the FDI building hall. The meeting began at 9:30 AM WIB and was opened by Khoirunnisa as the host. The event continued with a recitation of the Quran by DA. Sobrina Nur Izza, a second-semester FDI student.

Afterward, all participants sang the Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya and the FDI anthem. Following the opening series, the event proceeded with remarks delivered by several speakers, starting with Tsany Sa’dan Arro’i, the Chairperson of the 2022 SEMA and DEMA Working Meeting, followed by Muhammad Faidhurrahman, the Chairperson of DEMA FDI 2022, and concluding with M. Bagas Balasirullah, the Chairperson of SEMA FDI 2022.

The handover of duties then took place, transitioning leadership from Khoirul Soleh Harahap to M. Bagas Balasirullah. Moving into the main agenda, Khoirul Soleh Harahap conducted the 2022 SEMA FDI Upgrading session, followed by the 2022 DEMA FDI Upgrading session led by Wildan Rahmat Hidayat.

Khoirul Soleh encouraged the working meeting participants to collaborate closely in carrying out their duties. "SEMA and DEMA must work hand in hand in fulfilling their responsibilities," he emphasized.

In the working session, SEMA and DEMA finalized the work programs for each division, which were subsequently presented by the permanent session presidium. (Journalism Team: Syifa Kamilah, Editor: Beliday Maissy).