Young Preacher Webinar: Preaching Comes from the Heart
Young Preacher Webinar: Preaching Comes from the Heart

The Faculty of Islamic Studies at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Webinar Training on Enhancing Students' Soft Skills. The lecturers were also enthusiastic about participating in the webinar. The event was held online on Thursday afternoon (March 30). The webinar, themed "Becoming a Young Preacher of Washathiyah Islam," featured two speakers with extensive experience in public speaking, namely KH. Zia Ul Haramein, M.Si., the caretaker of Luhur Darus-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School, and Ustaz Fauzan Hidayatullah, S. KOM. I., a finalist of Aksi Indosiar and a Certified Preacher of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

At the start of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Dr. Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi, M.A., conveyed a message about the importance of public speaking soft skills for FDI students. “As students of Islamic Studies, you must improve your soft skills, particularly in the field of public speaking, and be eager to master this area,” he said.

As the first speaker, Kiai Zia explained that one of the duties of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad is to preach. Inviting others to goodness is the core of Islamic teachings. The Kiai, who also serves as the head of the Young Preacher Commission of the Indonesian Preacher Association (ADDAI), shared tips on how to become a moderate preacher. “As a preacher, we must maintain ‘adl (justice). We need to have balance in religion, avoiding making things too easy (tasahul), going to extremes (ifrath), or belittling any form of obedience to God (tafrith),” he explained.

Gus Zia – as he is affectionately called – then explained the ethics of the Prophet Muhammad’s preaching, which include:

  • Synergy between words and actions
  • No compromise on matters of creed and consensus
  • Not criticizing the deities of other religions
  • Not engaging in discrimination

Gus Zia also emphasized that all religions are true for their followers. As Muslims, we must be confident that our religion is true, but we must also respect other religions without endorsing them. “This is the basis for being a washathiyah (balanced) preacher. We must understand this and not think of ourselves as the most correct. There will certainly be many differences. That is why we must comprehend the vast body of Islamic knowledge,” he explained.

The second speaker, Ustaz Fauzan, discussed 'How to Deliver Da’wah and Enhance Soft Skills.' According to him, a preacher must master public speaking communication. A member of ADDAI, Ustaz Fauzan also shared a basic formula for public speaking knowledge called the ‘Must Theory,’ which includes:

  • Mastering the knowledge of Da’wah and Communication
  • Adhering to the principles of the Qur’an
  • Following the Da’wah principles of the Prophet

In addition, Ustaz Fauzan provided tips on how to package Da’wah:

  • It must be up-to-date or fresh
  • It must be unique and engaging
  • It must not offend others

The Aksi Indosiar finalist conveyed that preaching must come from the heart, as the soul of a preacher is reflected in the content of their da’wah.

(Journalism Team: Nyimas Zulfa, Editorial Team: Beliday Maissy).