Enhancing Student Competence, FDI Holds Halal Supervisor Training
Enhancing Student Competence, FDI Holds Halal Supervisor Training

Halal products have become an urgent necessity for the Muslim community, making the role of supervisors and guarantors of halal certification in industries increasingly vital. To meet this need and equip final-year students, FDI organized Halal Supervisor Training.

The event was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the second-floor hall of FDI, featuring speakers from the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH), namely Ir. Asti Rosalia Hadini, S.TP, M.A., and Dra. Nyayu Rogayah. The training was moderated by Dr. M. Khairul Mustaghfirin, M.A., who also serves as the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation.

The event was officially opened by the Dean of FDI, Dr. Yuli Yasin, M.A., who in his speech emphasized that this training is expected to broaden the students' understanding of the duties of a halal supervisor, complementing the knowledge they have gained during their studies.

As the first speaker, Nyayu Rogayah delivered material on the basic concepts of halal and haram, theological foundations, and important regulations related to slaughtering according to Sharia law. Meanwhile, Asti Rosalia focused on technical aspects, explaining the roles and responsibilities of a halal supervisor in the field.

FDI remains committed to supporting the development of student competencies so that they can actively participate in ensuring the halal status of products in line with the needs of the industry and the wider community.