LDKS FDI Encourages Youth to Face Quarter-Life Crisis through the Qur'an
LDKS FDI Encourages Youth to Face Quarter-Life Crisis through the Qur'an

The Syahid Preaching Organization of the Faculty of Islamic Studies (LDKS FDI) realizes the importance of youth in determining the direction of a nation toward its glory. Therefore, amidst the series of events in Syahid Fair 2024, LDKS FDI included a seminar and talk show themed "Euphoria of Islamic Youth Towards a Glorious Era." The event was held at the Student Center Hall, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Campus 1, on Friday, September 13, 2024, featuring two prominent speakers in their fields, namely Habib Isa Al-Kaff and Dr. Aep Saepulloh, M.A.

On that occasion, Habib Isa Al-Kaff, a public speaker known for his inspiring lectures, discussed the phenomenon of the quarter-life crisis from an Islamic perspective.

"Why do humans tend to fall into confusion and fear in their lives, as seen in this phenomenon? Because they are distant from the Qur'an and rarely interact with it, making Satan their qorin (companion) in life," he said.

Meanwhile, Aep, as the second speaker, emphasized the influence of the Qur'an in guiding youth to remain steadfast on the path of truth.

"The Qur'an is the greatest miracle, as it serves as a guide and enlightenment, not only for Muslims but for all of humanity. The Qur'an, besides being proof, also becomes a bright light through which everyone can seek something until they reach their goals," said Aep.

Additionally, Aep affirmed that all the problems faced by youth can be solved through the Qur'an.

"When someone frequently reads the Qur'an, Allah not only resolves newly arising issues but can also solve problems that have existed for decades or even centuries," said Aep.

Through this seminar and talk show, LDKS FDI hopes to provide solutions to young people who are vulnerable to going astray and facing confusion during their quarter-life crisis, and to ignite their spirit to keep moving forward and become the spearhead of the nation.